Your UK Poppers Shop

Special Monthly Offers [en]

Some bad ass products making to the supermarket shelves lately, with the ever increasing and changing variety mixes and top products we have seen a marked up in the world of poppers. A mix of related but in independent items has also been made, making it even easier and more cost effective to buy online and as the English say; “Kill two birds with one stone” . We now offer lubricants and aromas in one purchase for example. Or split the order and try some of the new stuff say the Anal lube from Push at less than 12 Euros.
This item can also be purchased along side a traditional popper and also together with lube.

Combo buy!

Combo buy!

The super anal pack even gives you some free, the lube, a relaxing spray and a free 10 ml bottle of the most popular brand , namely Rush. All priced at 24.80 Euros. Shows why buying more saves you money!
Want a new one? Then we have just acquired this aroma cleaner called leather cleaner number one. Smart name , smart individual some would say “Bad Ass” black bottle design but one that will be memorable. Long intensity are reputed to be the classic sign from using this popper. This product comes about because of a new way of mixing the products that go in to make this power punch! OK customers can purchase individually at 8.90 which is at present a fabulous trial and intro price.

Real old School Poppers

Real old School Poppers

Looks the Business!

Other items that are flying off the shelf are this blue cock sling, yes looking like a pipe fitters connector and definitely having the look and feel of durability and hence a long life , this ring is one hopefully for life. Made of TPR and a diameter of 32 Ml. Priced 22.50 excluding shipping but having the VAT accommodated for.
So all in all worth while dropping into the poppers shop monthly and seeing what we have to offer and of course hoping you buy some of the regulars too. Easy to set up and keep your accounts live, and we do have a SSL and password fed security which sit side by side with the latest shopping card tech.
Have Fun!

Push and Go

Push and Go


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