Your UK Poppers Shop

Tag Archives: poppers shop

Easter Suprise [en]

We could not go as many regular customers can testify without a seasonal promotion. This Easter we have an initial 15% off everything valid until 28th March and this will be followed by …. Till then enter the promo code and get money of in shop for any item of course poppers included: Buying anything…

Super Saver Poppers [en]

Forty percent off in shop for a full on range of the very best poppers valid until 21 March but sure we will have an Easter Give away too 🙂 . Twitter feed here, a brilliant way to get what you want when and where you want it all under one store roof. Every month…

Halloween 2017 [en]

Promo times for Halloween, of course! 15% off everything in store with a special code so get poppers discounted cheaper than a traditional normal purchase. HW15 thats it so get shopping and buy some scary perhaps shocking new lower priced bargain basement poppers and perhaps something naughty as an accompaniment. Its no different than normal…

Shop Convertion [en]

Time for a fresh update on the website and we have changed the shop to a more secure front end. Having a certificate for increased security and more customer protection. Clients will see the green lock symbol or similar depending on what browser they use.  So check out the new imagery , click through to…

Schwule schnueffelt Poppers [de]

Jeder dritte Schwule schnueffelt Poppers zumindest gelegentlich, fand die letzten herumfragerei heraus. Daran ist nichts Verwerfliches: Ein halbwegs gesunder, nuechterner Mensch hat von aromas nichts zu befuerchten ausser den gelegentlichen Kopfschmerzen, die sich sowohl bei Ueberdosierung als auch beim Schnueffeln aus alten Flaschen einstellen koennen. Wie wirkt die “Sex-Droge” genau? Bekannt ist: Die Blutgefaesse erweitern…
